I'm a mum, and I need space. 

Space within, breathing space, thinking space.

A space for non doing, a space to just be. No agenda, no judgement. 

A moment where I'm not running either literally or just in my head, planning, ticking off lists, making sure the house, the fridge, the family have what they need - whilst deferring what I want. Sound familiar? 

 With 30 years of experience in the field of personal development and complementary healthcare, most of it childless - it was only once I had a family that I became truly stressed. Stressed in the sense that a couple of deep breaths and a can do attitude just weren't enough. 
What I KNOW isn't enough. The only way to find peace is to reach in and touch it and so I have created MumSpace - a light and easy group space to take a pit stop. Let's face it, we don't have time for much more! 

In a short half hour, with time on either side to arrive and then debrief, I will offer a variety of tried and tested methods of coming back in to yourself, to call you back into your centre reducing the chaos and chatter and constant pressure that diminishes health and vitality, happiness and well being. 

I know -
I have lost touch with these things too.  But I know my way out of this jungle and if you'll join me I'm up for the challenge!! 

You are invited to join me, on this much needed course. It's a rare opportunity to give yourself an hour a week, over 5 weeks, to truly journey back home to yourself. Next course starts early September 2017. In Tadworth, near Epsom, Surrey. Register your interest here or by calling 07968 430241. Payment is by donation only.
All I ask is that you can commit to yourself (first and foremost), attend 5 weekly sessions of and a willingness to risk choosing yourself over the ironing for one hour a week. 
We know the blessings of our children, that goes without saying - this is about you and what gets lost amongst the highs and lows of family life. 

This particular course is geared towards mums with school aged children, I will be creating a separate space for new mums with young babies as your needs will be slightly different - (can't wait for that one, and you can bring your babies too!). There is also scope for creating a space for Dads further down the line.

To apply please contact me, Melanie Langer, by email fabtouch2@gmail.com or by texting/calling 07968 430241

See also our facebook page.
Participants will mainly be chosen on a first come first served basis. 

To learn more about the work I do including Cranio Sacral Therapy, Bespoke Aromatherapy and peri-natal work please see www.melanielanger.com